Our smartphone app is the first-of-its-kind that addresses the stigmas around mental health and provides an intervention for displaced and vulnerable populations throughout the world.

About the App

The Innovation

The innovation of this app lies in the vulnerable populations that it is has been created for, the integrated therapy it uses, and the advanced technology which makes it possible. We are able to bring mental health care directly to vulnerable populations anywhere in the world, and at any time.

The App

Our unique approach is designed on evidence-based, field-tested, short-term treatment for PTSD. The app is a multi-module, digital storytelling platform designed to break down barriers of self-stigma, increase help-seeking behavior, & provide access to those who need it.

Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) involves using technology to help affected individuals share and process their traumatic experiences in a structured and therapeutic manner. This approach integrates personal stories in the form of videos to create an interactive storytelling experience.

Storytelling is a powerful research tool in mental health interventions and allows for greater insight into specific experiences that may not otherwise be accessible through traditional modes of inquiry. Digital storytelling, in the form of videos, has the ability to capture the refugee’s lived experiences and personal stories, thus creating a level of awareness that might otherwise be lost.


  • Sharing stories and listening to the experiences of others can help those suffering from PTSD understand that their negative feelings are not a sign of weakness. Instead, it can help them realize that they are not alone in their struggle and encourage engagement.

  • Since digital stories can be preserved and revisited by individuals whenever they wish to, it provides a continuous source of support and reflection.

  • For those who may find it difficult to verbalize their experiences, digital storytelling fosters a sense of connection, empathy, and empowerment among participants, facilitating meaningful communication and dialogue around shared themes or experiences.

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PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a critical, and neglected mental health problem that can occur in anyone who has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. It is estimated that refugees and other vulnerable populations are ten times more likely than age-matched populations to experience symptoms of PTSD. Factors such as self-stigma due to mental health-related cultural beliefs prevent them from understanding the problem, seeking help, and accessing treatment.

What is PTSD?